
Showing posts from August, 2014

Syawal 2014

assalamualaikum, it is month of syawal. honestly, raya tahun ni I wasn't all excited like the previous year. why? perhaps because I think too much, tak ada apa yang pelik with it since aku memang jenis yang suka memikir. emi cakap aku macam orang tua regardless he was the one yang lagi tua. okay, that doesn't matter actually. mood aku pun jenis yang boleh berubah in a flip second. kejap mood baik gila, kejap tantrum, kejap sedih, macam honestly tak tetap langsung benda macam tu. well, when mama told that this year kita akan balik kampung and I goes flustered. is it? I can't conclude whether its flustered or fluttered, I guess they both mixed up becoming one. which I really don't like the idea. I was actually thinking of many excuses that I could give so that I don't have to follow them balik kampung. I wasn't in the mood. however of course my attempt of doing so, tettttttt, basically failed. memang silap lah kalau mama nak lepaskan aku duduk sorang-sorang ...