Final Year
Bismillah, Hi. Banyaknya benda nak cakap, banyaknya benda that are currently happening. And I learned a lot since the past few months. A lot going on with Uni’s , since I assume no one really read pun my blog, and if there is anyone who reads it, normally are people that is close to me. So, it’s my final year if anyone comes across not knowing it. Well yes it is. One thing I rather not lie about it is how hell the days get when you’re about to reach the end. I’ll be entering my final semester on March so let’s get prepare. FYP gonna be my new mantra for next semester because it holds up a large amount of credit hours (6 ya’all). I don’t care if architecture students have like maximum of 8 credit hours per subject or even more. 5 semester experiences and the only max hour I get are 4. So, don’t judge me with 6. It’s not a playground dude. However, I was quite happy with past semester. Why? because I made it through yyaayyy. Sebenarnya, kinda cannot yaayy lagi s...